2. What Are We Going To Learn?
Lesson Summary
This course provides a guide to learning and practicing the Two-Point Visualization System with the Solo app. With dedicated practice, the Two-Point System allows you to effortlessly find and outline all chords, scales and arpeggios anywhere on the neck.
Studying the fretboard in this way will also provide huge, long-term benefits for your ear training and improvisational skills.
The main topics we will cover include:
- What is the Two-Point Visualization System and why is it so powerful?
- Using the Solo app to learn and practice the Two-Point System.
- Using the Root Note Trainer to learn and practice finding root notes - the foundation of the Two-Point System.
- Using the Intervals Trainer to learn and practice finding two-point intervallic function shapes against root notes.
- Using the Changes Trainer to practice outlining harmony through chord changes/progressions.
- Using the Scale Trainer to learn and practicing scales using two-point intervallic function shapes.